26+ Egg Laying Mammals Chart Background. Learn about egg laying mammal with free interactive flashcards. Instead, they excrete milk from mammary glands on their skin. Egg laying mammals found only in australia have reptilian characteristics (cloaca & egg laying) have mammalian features (hair, mammary gland). An egg results from fertilization of an egg cell. In addition to laying eggs, other quirks make them seem more like reptiles than our kin. Yes, there are egg laying mammals and they are known as monotremes. The baby pictures egg laying mammal the platypus were does a platypus live? Instead, they excrete milk from mammary glands on their skin. For your convenience take a look at egg laying figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.While investigating facts about egg laying mammals and egg laying chickens, i found out little known, but curios details like egg laying data charts.